The deep insights
your voice not only carries your emotions but also tells us about your body
Science has advanced in the last 20 years and understood that we are beings of energy. While the spiritual world has long understood this reality we have now a scientific approach that can help us to gives us a deep inside to the imbalances in you and give us information on figuring needed answers.
Examples of the Science:
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Some examples of our rich analysis libraries:

Muscle, Tendon Bones
We know if it hurts, but often don't know why. Various muscles, tendons, and boners imbalances can be indicated.

Vertebrae/Spinal Imbalance
Backpain can be debilitating. But not all backpain is hopeless. The quantum analysis of the voice shows imbalances for each element, such as T, C,L problems.

Neurotransmitters and Hormones are the messaging and execution centers in your body. Disfunctions will manifest themselves in imbalances

Vascular System
The vascular and the lymphatic system are of high importance to the delivery of nutrients and oxygen, as well as the removal of waste and toxic intrusions (including bacterial and viral).

Organs and Glands
One of the essential functions of organ systems is to provide cells with oxygen & nutrients as well as remove toxic waste. Glands produce and release different hormones that target specific things in the body.

Vitamins, Nutrients
Glands produce and release different hormones that target specific things in the body. You have glands all over your body, including in your neck, brain and reproductive organs.

Heavy Metals
Heavy metal toxicity is now so common that it is literally impossible to avoid it. There would not be many scientists knowledgeable in heavy metals and xenobiotics that would disagree with the statement.

Organs and Glands
One of the essential functions of organ systems is to provide cells with oxygen & nutrients as well as remove toxic waste. Glands produce and release different hormones that target specific things in the body.

Bacteria/Virus exposure
We have beneficial and dangerous bacteria and viruses. The exposure to negative can lead not only to short term but also sustained illness. The lime disease passed down by ticks - caused by bacterium borrelia burgdorferi - is a well-known example.

Radio Isotope, Chemicals
The exposure to hazardous materials can occur through inhalation, ingestion, and skin contact. The Fukushima nuclear disaster effects many Japanese eating Suchi, leaked Chemicals into our water supply are known for longterm harm (incl cancer).

Blood Factors, Enzymes
Enzymes are proteins that help speed up chemical reactions in our bodies. Enzymes are essential for digestion, liver function and much more. Too much or too little of a certain enzyme can cause health problems. Enzymes in our blood can also help healthcare providers check for injuries and diseases.

Mind, Emotions
We know the expression "our mind can play tricks on us"! The new field of epigenetics teaches us that it is not necessarily the DNA but more our environment that makes us sick. PTSD for example can create a debilitating health condition.
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