Injuries can come unexpected, are painful, and impact your activities


It can happen quickly or
over time.

If you play sports, one wrong step by yourself or by others and you are walking away with an injury (ACL, MCL, Ankle, Wrist, Shoulder, Back…). 

Also at advanced age you can have injuries or deterioration in the lower lumbar region, knees, tennis elbow ……).

Get well again



The standard offering is 1 Lbs, bag and a 4 Lbs bag.  Call us for custom sizes


HEKA Strainex

Direct to skin application effects wound healing, and draws out toxins quickly



Injuries often occur based on imbalances in your body drinking HEKA Detox will assist the healing process from the inside and strengthen your daily activities

We'd Love for you to recover

tell us your story

Lower Lumbar

" For years when I got up in the morning, I had sciatic pain down my leg 90% of the time. The thinning of my L2/L3 and L3/L4 discs was the root cause. Sleeping on a HEKA SPRAINEX 3 Lbs bag (under fitted sheet) eliminated this problem within 3 months. I have been pain free for 2 years now.

I also contracted a MCL problem caused by my personal trainer. He overdid a ball catching exercise with me. The sharp pain getting up that radiated from my inner side of my right knee didn't allow me to do anything. Hot/Cold therapy none of the regular applications worked. After securing to the knee a 1 Lbs pack (i.e. with ACE Knee brace) during sleep time for 3 consecutive days - The Pain was gone."
Axel T


” I had more than 18 month pelvic pain, and tried thousands an thousands of dollars of products, but none helped ….. until I found HEKA SPRAINEX from ANMODE Health….”

Natalie S.


"I have incurred several injuries (from domestic violence). That has resulted in pain in the muscular system - for years. A friend introduced me to ANMODE Health's HEKA STRAINEX and applied the pack to the affected areas.

I always affix the pack to the pain area before I go to sleep. It is my experience that within 3-5 days I experience drastic reduction of the pain.

I also used the pack in the hospital. I slept on it, and the doctors told me I recovered from my surgery fast, and they hadn't seen that before.

I also supplement with HEKA Detox that I swirl in Water and drink daily. My energy has very much improved. The HEKA product line, based on naturopathic sources, has accomplished a lot for me. Many thanks to ANMODE Health👍"
Billie M.
Event Producer

Perform at your peak

best of all - no CBD

safe for prosports

One wrong product and your career can be on hold!  Why risk it? Anything that CBD Oil claims we deliver, better, and faster.  The medium healing time for sprains and inflammation is 4-6 days.  Instead of sitting for weeks on the bench get back to training camp fast.

Safe for Children

ANMODE Health products DO NOT make chemical connections with the body’s biology.  To be frank, why would you risk giving your child such an unproven product?  In reality you are seeking a solution that helps your kids to return to what they love in no time. – THEIR SPORTS.

Dr. Brent A. Bauer

Brent Bauer, M.D., is board certified in internal medicine. He is a consultant in the Department of Internal Medicine and director of the Department of Internal Medicine’s Complementary and Integrative Medicine Program at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.


…….further research is needed to determine CBD‘s other benefits (besides seizures) and safety.

CBD is a chemical found in marijuana. …. The usual CBD formulation is oil, but CBD is also sold as an extract, a vaporized liquid and an oil-based capsule.

Currently, the only CBD product approved by the Food and Drug Administration is a prescription oil called Epidiolex. It’s approved to treat two types of epilepsy.

Aside from Epidiolex, state laws on the use of CBD vary. While CBD is being studied ……….  research supporting the drug’s benefits is still limited.

CBD use also carries some risks. CBD can cause side effects, such as dry mouth, diarrhea, reduced appetite, drowsiness and fatigue. CBD can also interact with other medications you’re taking, such as blood thinners.

Another cause for concern is the unreliability of the purity and dosage of CBD in products. A recent study of 84 CBD products bought online showed that more than a quarter of the products contained less CBD than labeled. In addition, THC was found in 18 products.



More than 5,500 studies can be found on NIH's PubMed

Trust the science